Throughout the years there have been a lot of people from which I took inspiration and those who have helped me realizing Dregora to what it is now. So aside all those who have contribibuted in a more appearant manner I would also like to thanks the community behind this project as Dregora wouldn't have existed without your feedback and support.
Honerable Mentions
⏵ Team OTG - OpenTerrainGenerator Developers.
⏵ Timethor - TerrainControl Developer.
⏵ RutgerKok - TerrainControl Developer.
Special Thanks
⏵ PG85 & MCpitman - for not giving up on TerrainControl and both expanding as maintaining it under It's new name OpenTerrainGenerator.
⏵ Authvin - for making OTG Random mode work with OTG Fromimage mode.
⏵ NLBlackHeavenNL - For being involved since the start & likely being the biggest source of inspiration for this project.
⏵ Lantoaster - For initially teaching me how to configure and spawn big biome objects and his help throughout Dregora's development with objects in general.
⏵ Autom8it & Cotander - for making sure most of Dregora's 10.000 lines of lore is grammarly correct.
⏵ JDaddy - for helping me showcase Dregora by making awesome renders.
⏵ Frank - for helping me with a quick 1.16.5 release.
⏵ Greealiss, Maho24, Legoman99573 & fugu - for assisting me with some builds.
Content Design & Inspired from:
All of the content from the youtubers have been used as inspiration and while some structures are nearly identical most of them have been adapted for use within Dregora.
As for the raw content through use of Tree or Building packs, these may have some alterations but have remained mostly as they were provided.
⏵ Jerracraft - For his tutorials on village houses
⏵ Lord Dakr - For his tutorials on ships
⏵ Lentebriesje - For his Native European Treepack
⏵ Sweden223344455 - For their PalmTreePack
⏵ Muromakto - For their Boreal Forest Taiga pack
⏵ Muromakto - For their Tropical forest tree pack
⏵ MyCray - For their The Tree Collection
⏵ Plutouthere - For their Medium Tree Pack
⏵ Plutouthere - For their redwood tree pack
⏵ ImperiumMC - For their Savanna tree pack
⏵ Sordrin - For their Decorative Ruins Pack
⏵ exsilit - For their Jungle tree pack
The origins of Dregora
Dregora's roots are to be found in a small community server named The Ancient Creators. I helped maintain this server around the year 2012 until it's population dwindled and I eventually started my own server with the Ancient Creator spawn as logo which was this huge tree that people constantly tried to burn to the ground.
Around this time I also discovered a plugin called TerrainControl which is the predesessor of OTG which I then used to create a unique landscape for my server named Ancient Realms. As I posted my progress regarding this preset on the TerrainControl forums people took a interest which marked the beginning of Dregora, fast forward a few years and here we are as I (jokingly) still attempt to make myself and my server a 'unique' world.